I was feeling very uncomfortable and uneasy especially within my stomach area. I felt bloated and it was as if something was moving within my stomach. So, I went to the hospital, after series of tests and scan, the scan identified that there was a complex ovarian cyst present at my left ovary. During that time, I was praying for the healing of my immediate elder brother who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma (a kind of cancer). With the ovarian cyst in my left ovary, I intensified my prayers for my brother and myself. At first, I started 31 days efficacious prayer to St. Rita. At the same time, I began a novena to the Immaculate Conception, then together with novena to the Holy Spirit and novena to St. Jude with particular reference to healing for my elder brother and myself through St. Jude. At the end of the novena which coincided with my birthday on May 29, 2019, I had an open thanksgiving in the church, already thanking God for a successful novena and of course for my birthday. Meanwhile, for the nine days I did the St. Jude Novena, I always visited the Blessed Sacrament. At the end, I went back to another specialist hospital where I was asked to run series of tests again and scan. While I was doing the scan, the sonographer said, “Madam, I have never seen a very healthy person like you.” Not being aware of the initial report, the sonographer concluded his report without mentioning any issues whatsoever in my body. So, to really be sure, I brought out the other scan report and showed him, he started the scan all over, checking very well in case he missed something but to the glory of God, he exclaimed again, “Madam, I cannot see anything, you are very healthy, God has healed you.” In fact, at that point, I simply smiled and told him, “Yes! I know that God I serve; the God of wonder.” By the time I went back to the Doctor with the test results and the scan, the Doctor certified that I am Ok. And indeed, I knew it, for I do not have those symptoms that I used to have. Similarly, my brother also concluded his treatment in the UK around the same time but was meant to go back after three (3) months for confirmation. So, on the 20th of August, 2019, my brother was, to the glory of God, certified FREE from non-Hodgkin lymphoma or any form of cancer for that matter. Whom the Lord has set free is free indeed. We are thankful to God for his healing upon our family.